Ceahlau National Park Visiting Centre
Izvorul Muntelui
More than a museum or and exhibition. A story about nature. A foray in the world of Ceahlau.
A visiting centre is more than a small museum about the mountain and the nature surrounding it. We like to name it “a centre of nature exegesis”, through which we seek to weave a story, an epic narrative of the nature in Ceahlau. The information once too tiring or too technical to assimilate is now replaced by interactive methods and designs of learning that allow you, the visitor, to participate in. and because a trek through Ceahlau National Park is a real blessing of all senses, we have prepared many surprises for you: you will hear, see, touch, smell and feel; in other words you will uncover Nature with all of your being.
For the young ones we have prepared special uncovering and non-formal learning games, both inside the centre and the generous back yard.
Our centre is also equipped with a cinema, where you can watch a documentary about the elements that make Ceahlau a special place, as well as the reason it has been declared a National Park. Recently we have also put together a 3D short film.
We invite you with open arms to visit us and uncover why Ceahlau is so special… although we believe you already knew the reason!
You can find us in Izvorul Muntelui, on County Road 155F, immediately after the Information and Access Point.
Working Hours:
Tuesday – Sunday: 09:00 – 17:00
Monday: Closed